• Story Time

    #XD30-Chapter 16-$50,000 Sigh of Relief

    It’s crazy how fast the past three months have flown by. Susan is currently 20 weeks along and last week we found out we are having a girl. She finally decided to slow down with work and relax. I’m fighting the urge to fill this condo with all baby everything.

    “I would soooooo love a foot massage right now,” Susan asks, wiggling her toes on the sofa.

    “Coming!” I respond, grabbing the bowl of fruit salad.

    As I rub her feet, I see that my notification light on the phone is blinking. I glance at Susan. Head turned to the side, she’s dozing off. Definitely doesn’t take much these days. I stop massaging and check my phone. It’s an email from Nick.

    Paperwork has been signed.

    I breathe a sigh of relief. Guess it was loud because Susan starts to stir. I put the phone down.

    “Just because I’m sleeping doesn’t mean you stop rubbing,” she mumbles.

    I laugh. She never skips a beat.

    “Are you hungry? I made a fruit salad with mint and balsamic vinegar.”

    Susan’s eyes light up.

    “We’re always hungry, however, I need to pee first,” she announces, sitting up.

    I watch her walk down the hall out of sight before I sneak a few bites of salad. Not too bad for someone who can’t boil water.  I hear the door open and quickly put the bowl back on the coffee table. Susan shuffles back into the living room. She’s rubbing her temples.

    “These sonofabitch headaches suck! I hate them more than dizziness, leg cramps, and heartburn combined.”

    “I’ll grab a lavender eye pillow from the bathroom.”

    “Ahhhh love, thank you! I wouldn’t want to be having a baby with anyone else,” she exclaims, kissing me on the cheek. The faint smell of coconut tickles my nose.

    I grab my phone and continue reading.

    Being $50,000 richer feels mighty good. Thanks.

  • Story Time

    #XD30-Chapter 14-Well Played

    The door slams. Yelena left. I walk out of the den and into the living room. Susan is in the middle of the room, stifling laughter.

    “End scene!” I yell while curtsying.

    Susan grabs my hand and spins me around.

    “I can’t believe we pulled that off,” she loudly whispers, face red from laughter.

    I start twirling my hair around my fingers a la Yelena.

    “I will have your preggo ass locked up!”

    Susan hollers, spinning onto the couch.

    It sucks having to terminate our friendship with Yelena this way. It took a while to realize that Yelena’s only loyal to herself. Friendships are a matter of convenience. She could give a rat’s ass less if she burns a bridge. It feels good to beat someone at their own game, especially when they don’t know that they’re playing.

    “When are you going to send this email to Nick?”

    Susan takes her phone out of her back pocket. No matter where she is, that electronic umbilical cord is never too far away.

    “Right now,” she declares, fingers steady typing. “We don’t need to wait any longer.”

    Hunger pangs kick in. I only ate a bagel today. Guess adrenaline was masking the pangs.

    “Aren’t you hungry love?” I ask, rubbing Susan’s belly.

    Looking up from her phone, Susan raises her eyebrow.

    “Nom, nom, nom!!” she yells, pretending to put food in her mouth.

    I order Thai and hop in the shower. As soon as I turn off the water, Susan knocks on the door.

    “Come read the email before I send it.”

    I pause. Feeling the beginnings of anxiety, I take a deep breath.

    “Sure love.”

    Susan passes the phone to me. Wiping water out of my eyes, I sit on the side of the tub to read.


    I’m 8 weeks pregnant and keeping the baby. Let me know whether or not
    you wish to have an active role in the child’s life and I’ll have my lawyer contact you.

    “Well played love,” I respond, handing the phone back to her.

    “E-mail sent. Now we can enjoy our night.”

    I put on PJs while Susan answers the delivery man’s knock on the door. The condo suddenly smells delicious.

    “Thai, silk pajamas, and snuggle time!!” I exclaim, dry humping Susan as she grabs plates from the cabinet.

    We hunker down on the sofa, browsing through Netflix for a movie to watch. Between eating and the movie, something catches my eye.

    The notification light on Susan’s phone is blinking.

  • Story Time

    #XD30-Chapter 7-Things Fall Apart

    Tim’s face is full of confusion. Derek and Susan look extremely panicked. Tim is really going to propose to me and all I want to do is run out of here with Susan. Bloody hell!

    Still on his knee, Tim looks at the moment killers.

    “Am I missing something?”

    It’s eerily quiet in the room. I glance at my mother. She’s still eating her dessert with not a care or concern in the world. Nothing comes between my mother and a good dessert…seriously.

    Susan opens her mouth to speak but Derek beats her to the punch. He turns to face the guests and laughs.

    “You have sauce on your cheek. Let me get that for you so the photographer won’t snap that faux pas.”

    A couple of guests laugh. Tim adjusts his tie and holds the ring up to me. I want to vomit.

    “Ashley, I love you. I almost lost you once when you were deployed and I can’t bear to lose you again before I have the honor of making you my wife. Will you say yes?”

    The room is filled with gasps and excitement. Mother actually stopped eating.

    My hands start shaking. I reach for the hand of the only person who understands me. Fighting back tears and an incredibly high level of anxiety, I grab Susan’s hand. She stands beside me, putting me between her and Tim.

    “Tim, I’ve been lying to you, myself, and everyone in this room for a very long time.”

    I look at Susan. She nods. I continue.

    “I can’t allow myself to continue to hurt you nor can I continue to allow myself to not live my life the way I want to live it.”

    Tim’s stands, puts the ring on the table, and sits down. His head is in his hands and I see a single tear running down his index finger.

    “The person next to me has been my best friend for 15 plus years. She’s seen me at my best and at my absolute worst. She knows more about me than most of you in the room will ever know, including my number. Most importantly, she knew that my heart belonged to her before I did.”

    My mother starts crying. All the other guests now look like one big blob. Susan squeezes my hand. Derek stands up but before he could take a step, Tim jumps up, blocking Derek’s path.

    “Wait a minute. You knew about them and didn’t tell me?”

    “I didn’t know for sure, but I had a strong hunch. How was I supposed to tell you that your girlfriend is screwing my girlfriend?”

    Tim laughs, but his tone is dark.

    “The same goddamn way you’re telling me now!”

    All of a sudden, Tim lunges at Derek, fist leading the way. He connects with Derek’s nose. Blood goes everywhere. Susan and I run back towards the door with the other guests. My cousin rushes my mother over to us and we leave.

    My mother chuckles, “I guess it’s safe to say the shit has officially hit the fan.”

  • Story Time

    #XD30-Chapter 5-Four Course Announcement Part 1

    All week, I’ve been looking for the perfect opportunity to tell Tim that his woman is cheating on him. Clearly, I failed. Oh well. No use in trying to figure it out now. What’s done is done.

    It’s 6:15 Saturday evening. Dinner is at 7. Tim, family members, and I have arrived at the restaurant by shuttle bus. Susan is bringing Ashley to the restaurant between 6:55 and 7:00. Tim and I get everyone into the private dining room and dim the lights. I call Susan to see where she is.

    “Hey hon.”

    “How far away are you and Ashley?”

    “We are waiting for valet now.”

    I check my watch. It’s 6:56. She may be a cheater, but she’s always punctual. After waiting for what seemed like forever, I hear the clicking of heels on the marble floor. I signal for everyone to be quiet. When I see their shadows enter the room, I signal for Tim to pull the string holding the net of balloons bouncing on the ceiling.


    Ashley’s shocked. Finally, she gathers herself and starts clapping in excitement. Tim walks over to her and kisses her. His lips now looked like they were stained with blackberries. Once the meet and greet was over, everyone sat down for dinner.

    “Babe, did you have any idea this was happening?” Tim asks Ashley.

    Ashley laughs.

    “Hells no!! I thought it was just the four of us.”

    The first two courses flowed effortlessly. Guests ate and chatted amongst each other. Tim and I went outside after the main course to smoke cigars.

    “Did you see Ashley’s face? I hope the photographer got her reaction.”

    I exhaled a vanilla-scented cloud of smoke. “I hope so. All I could see was the flash at one point.”

    “I’m so glad I gave you the ring to hold. My nerves are so damn bad man…”

    I put my hand on Tim’s shoulder.

    “Breathe dude, breathe. Shake off the nerves, grab a shot or four at the bar, and make it happen.”

    We finished our cigars and go back into the room. I noticed that Susan had moved into Tim’s seat and was having what appeared to be a deep conversation with Ashley. Once we approached our seats, Susan moved, and the dessert course came out.

    Everyone’s having a good time when Ashley suddenly stands up.

    “I want to thank everyone for coming. I’m truly at a loss of words…”

    Before she could finish, Tim had stood up next to Ashley. This may not go as expected.



  • Story Time

    #XD30-Chapter 3-Tunnel Vision

    The ring that Susan thinks is for her isn’t for her. Before we went in for Susan’s last procedure, I had gone to the jeweler to pick it up for my cousin Tim. He’s planning on proposing to his girlfriend Ashley this weekend. Hence the phone call that I know Susan was eavesdropping on.

    I’ve been trying to talk Tim out of this proposal for weeks now. It’s not that I don’t like Ashley. I think she’s awesome as a person. There are things about her that I’ve noticed about her that I know Tim can’t see. He’s so in love with her it’s ridiculous. Ashley knows that Tim has a severe case of tunnel vision when it comes to her.

    What makes it worse is that as her best friend, Susan should be talking Tim out of this engagement, not me. But Susan can’t do that because she doesn’t know about the engagement.

    It’s now Thursday morning. I’m in the kitchen making a cup of coffee when Susan walks in.

    “You’re up early. I thought you weren’t going in the office today.”

    I yawn. “I have some errands to run. I should be home by 2.”

    “Okay. I’m going to get ready for work.”

    As I sip my coffee, I grab a pen and paper. The engagement dinner is scheduled for Saturday night at 7. Tim’s told Ashley that he’s having a birthday party for her. I have to confirm the seating and flight confirmations for family members coming in Friday night. I can’t believe that Tim is flying so many people in from out of town. I have to tell him before he wastes all of this money.

    How do you tell someone you love like a sibling that his fiancée is sleeping with your girlfriend?

  • Story Time

    #XD30-Chapter 1-Lumps and Watermelon

    “If you swallow the seeds, will a watermelon plant grow in your gut?”

    I couldn’t help but laugh. Even though it’s a cheesy joke, it’s still amusing.

    “Are you even supposed to be eating right before your procedure? ”

    Susan snorts between bites. “Derek, this is my third biopsy in 6 months. Let me eat this blessing from Mother Nature.”

    I roll my eyes. “Fine.”

    Hospital visits have become as normal to us as Target visits. Before every procedure, we have what I refer to as “The Talk”.

    I clear my throat and close my eyes. “So, if the lump is benign, we go on with our lives. If it’s malignant…”

    Susan throws up her well-manicured hand. Watermelon juice ran down her arm.

    “I don’t want to talk about that.”

    That was odd as hell. Usually, Susan and I would recite the plan with ease. Something wasn’t right and I didn’t know how to address it.

    Here goes nothing.

    “Babe, what’s on your mind?”

    Susan is silent. There’s sadness in her piercing green eyes. I hate seeing her like this.

    After a deep sigh, she wipes the tear developing in her right eye.

    “What if this lump is malignant?! I’ve been lucky before, but what if that’s not the case now?! I could lose any chance of having children and…”

    Her voice trails off as the nurses come in to prep her. Fighting back tears, she reaches for my hand.

    “I’m truly scared.”

    My stomach sank. Susan is tough. I could feel the fear through the grip she had on my hand.

    “I love you. We will attack whatever the results are head on.”

    She smiled. The nurse was motioning for Susan to get into the wheelchair. She puts her hands on her hip and faces the nurse.

    “I can walk you know.”

    That’s my girl.

    Susan raised her right arm and gave me a thumb’s up. I watched the chair go into the hallway and around the corner.

    I patted the small box inside my jacket pocket.

  • Story Time

    #XD30 Summer Writing Challenge

    “Summer Love” is the theme for the 2013 #XD30 Writing Challenge. From June 1 to June 30, participants are required to write a short story (or series of stories) consisting of at least 250 words daily.

    Disclaimer: Participants are NOT allowed to pre-write their stories. Stories are to be written once you hunker down to write.

    Please note that the theme is subject to the participant’s interpretation. You don’t have to write about the sunny side of love all month long. Let the warmth of the sun bless you with a wicked sense of creativity.

    The title of the stories must be formatted as the following:

    #XD30-Day (however you want to format the day)-Title of Your Chapter

    An example: #XD30-Day 1-Love in Headphones

    Participants may share their stories using the platform of their choice as long as they share using the hashtag #XD30 via Twitter.

    This is going to be all kinds of fun!