• The Complexities of Life

    Let Go!

    The Recovering Pessimist: Let Go -- Holding onto grudges, negative people, and unhappy situations served no purpose other than blocking my blessings. | www.therecoveringpessimist.me #amwriting #recoveringpessimist I had a long-standing history of being unable to let go. I held onto grudges from high school. I kept people around who sucked all the positivity out of the air. I remained in situations that I was no longer happy in.


    I got comfortable. The grudges, negative people, and unhappy situations had become my normal. It was my normal for so long that I didn’t realize that I was blocking my blessings.

    [bctt tweet=”You cannot invite goodness into your life if negativity surrounds you.” username=”MsWalton”]

    What’s the point of holding onto grudges, bad vibes, negative people, etc? Does it offer anything beneficial to your life?

    Absolutely not.

    Spend some time analyzing the people, situations, grudges, that are part of your life. Take inventory of your life and consider the following:

    If it doesn’t make you happy, let go!

    If it doesn’t invite positivity into your life, let go!

    If it doesn’t challenge you, let go!

    Don’t allow negativity to block your journey in life. You deserve better.

    Until next time,
