• Love, Dating, & Relationships,  The Complexities of Life

    3 Thoughts While Watching #90DayFiance

    The Recovering Pessimist: A Few Thoughts While Watching #90DayFiance -- While watching #90DayFiance I wondered if those who seek love abroad do so thinking that they won't have the issues that they have while dating in the States. The same issues come with love, regardless of where you are. | www.therecoveringpessimist.me #amwriting #recoveringpessimist #optimisticpessimist


    One of my guilty pleasures is watching “90 Day Fiance” on TLC“. It’s a show about men and women in the U.S. who go through the process of obtaining a K-1 Visa, which gives them 90 days to marry their boyfriends/girlfriends who live overseas. Some of the couples are genuine, while others are marrying for reasons other than love. Which reminds of this quote:

    [bctt tweet=”Love is a beautiful delusion, regardless of where you live in the world.” username=”MsWalton”]

    The participants on “90 Day Fiance” have the same issues as those of us who are stateside. These issues are the inspiration for this blog post. I want to discuss some of the issues that stuck out to me below. Enjoy!

    Respect their culture

    If you’re in a relationship with someone from another cultural background, take the initiative to learn about their culture. If you want to get to know him/her, learning their culture is a part of that. The internet is full of information. Use it and prosper.

    A lie is a lie is a LIE

    If you catch him/her in a lie, question it. Don’t twist their words to make yourself feel better. Don’t make excuses for them. And while you may want to know the truth, know this:

    [bctt tweet=”Once someone lies to you, everything they tell you will feel like a lie, including the truth itself.” username=”MsWalton”]

    If you find yourself wondering if what they’re telling you is the truth, what’s the point in continuing the relationship?

    If everyone else can see it, perhaps you need to see it too

    This might be hard to believe, but everyone isn’t posted up in the corner rooting for you to fail. There are people who not only care about you, but they also want the best for you. Sometimes, what they want for you may not be what you want to hear. Past experiences have taught me to listen when these people speak.


    And they say you can’t learn anything from reality television…

    Until next time,





  • Blogging

    How I Remember Ideas for Blog Posts

    Image via Flickr.

    Ideas for blog posts tend to come out of nowhere. Emphasis on nowhere. After forgetting countless ideas, I finally have a system to record the first idea before they disappear. It’s nothing fancy, but it works for me.

    Ready? Here we goooo…


    • I love, love, love Evernote! If my phone is nearby, I use my Evernote app to jot down blog ideas and/or the source of inspiration. It’s pretty awesome.

    Post-it Notes

    • I literally have these in every room of my apartment and I also have them in my car. Gotta be ready when the ideas hit, then I can just stick them to whatever is nearby and come back to it later. Now that it’s back to school season, I can stockpile these things for little to no money spent.


    • When I don’t have access to Evernote or Post-it Notes, I use repetition. I repeat key aspects of the blog idea until I’m able to jot down the idea. This isn’t the most reliable part of the system, but it works.

    This is my system. Again, nothing fancy. I’m always looking for more tools to add to my system. The woes of being a blogger, always on the hunt for something better, haha!


    Updated September 7, 2015

  • The Complexities of Life

    Fragmented Inspiration

    Inspiration is fickle for me. It’s difficult for me to sit down and think of something to write about. It never works that way. It makes it really hard to plan blog posts ahead of schedule when my blog is mostly based on inspiration.

    I could be watching a television show and a quote could really stand out similar to what happened in Ornamental Relationships. Or I could be engrossed in a conversation via Twitter about crappy dates and The Red Lobster Date evolves.

    Oh, and let’s not forget the times where I just get a fragment of a thought. That’s the worse. The fragment may not ever see completion. Until then, those little nuggets of potential awesomeness just sit in my notebook, phone, and/or laptop, patiently waiting for their moment.

    Then you have the moments when inspiration hits and you have NOTHING available to record it. This always happens to me while I’m in the shower or driving.  I end up having to repeat it out loud until I can record the thought(s).

    Trying to recapture lost inspiration is impossible and if I happen to grab a piece of it, it’s never the same as the first go around. Finally, I stockpiled my bathroom and car with Post-it notes are a tremendous help. No more forgotten moments over here.

    My fellow creatives, how does inspiration come to you? Is it easy for you to sit down and create? Or do you need to live and allow inspiration to come to you? Leave a comment so we can discuss.


  • The Complexities of Life

    Thankful: Inspiration #XD31

    Inspiration can come from anything. I could be taking a shower, driving around, or shopping and inspiration will just show up. I always make sure to keep something on me to jot these ideas down because they won’t stick around long. At the time I’m writing this, I have at least 50-60 ideas derived from various inspirational moments.

    That’s a lot of writing.