
My Favorite Blogging Tools (Part 2)

The Recovering Pessimist: My Favorite Blogging Tools Part 2 -- Later and Canva are included in this edition of my favorite blogging tools. | #amwriting #recoveringpessimist #optimisticpessimistOne of my favorite things as a blogger is that I’m constantly learning something. These websites, apps, tools, etc. manage to make blogging a bit easier as time goes on. With this edition (click here for Part 1), I wanted to share things that save me time and frustration. Enjoy!



I kid you not, this is one of the BEST websites/apps I’ve discovered so far this year. I got frustrated with having to manually share my blog posts to Instagram. It might not sound that annoying, but when you have a lot going on during the day, it’s very easy to forget to do it.

After several hours and Google searches, I ran across Later. It’s an app (available for Android and iOS) and a website that provides a free option for you to use. It’s really easy to use Later. I upload the photo I want to share, write a caption for it, then schedule a day/time for it to post to Instagram.

[pjc_slideshow slide_type=”later-com”]

But there’s a slight catch.

Later won’t physically share the post to Instagram for you. What Later will do is send you a reminder notification via the app to your phone. From the notification, Later automatically directs you to the Instagram app to post it. It saves me a lot of time because I can pre-write the captions/hashtags and all I need to do from there is upload it.

Even with the slight catch, Later is definitely worth checking out. If you decide to test Later out, let me know what you think. I’d love to hear about your experience.


I don’t remember how I learned about Canva, but I’m forever grateful to be in the know. Canva allows you to create graphics for all kinds of uses (e.g., social media, ebooks, business cards, etc.). Many of Canva’s elements are free (others cost $1). Canva does have an app, however, it’s only available for iPad. Bummer for my fellow Android lovers.

Posts are automatically saved (with the option to undo) & can be downloaded as images or PDFs. Pretty awesome.

[pjc_slideshow slide_type=”canva”]

I use Canva to create all the Wisdom Wednesday posts from 2014-present. I recently discovered that many use Canva to create printables. I’m determined to learn how to do this. If you use Canva to create printables, how was your experience?


I briefly mentioned Pinterest during Part 1, but I didn’t give it the attention it deserves. Joining Pinterest has saved me a lot of time and energy from researching blogging/writing issues.

Bravo Pinterest, bravo.

Some of my favorite Pinterest accounts include byRegina, Spruce Rd., Think Creative Collective, Melyssa Griffin, Erika Madden, and XO Sarah. I frequent these six Pinterest pages the most when I’m looking for information about business/blogging/writing.

I hope you enjoyed reading Part 2 of the My Favorite Blogging Tools series. If you have favorites that you want to share, tell me about them in the comments. I love learning about new tools that can make a little less stressful.

Until next time,


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