• The Recovering Pessimist | Being Special Ain't Enough | www.therecoveringpessimist.me | #amwriting #recoveringpessimist #optimisticpessimist
    The Complexities of Life

    Being Special Ain’t Enough

    There was a time where I thought I was going to be the exception. I was going to be the one that inspired them to change their ways. I wasn’t going to put up with the BS like the others before me.  

    I was special.


    I wasn’t the exception. I didn’t inspire them to change their ways. I put with their BS (for a short amount of time, but I digress). During this experience, I was reminded of two lessons:

    People have to want to change for themselves. 

    People really do show you who they are. 

    Oftentimes, we tend to ignore what’s in front of us because it interrupts the potential we see in the person. In addition, when someone shows you who they are and you continue to engage with them, how can you then ask them to change? They didn’t need to change when you met them right? 

    Make good choices.

    Until next time,







  • The Complexities of Life

    You Made Your Bed, Now Lay Down

    The Recovering Pessimist | You Made Your Bed, Now Lay Down | www.therecoveringpessimist.me | #amwriting #recoveringpessimist #optimisticpessimist
    Photo by Joseph Frank on Unsplash

    Folks be out here in the world violating boundaries.

    Being loud AND wrong.

    Flat out refusing to take responsibility for their words and/or actions.

    What tickles me is when they’re told that they’re out of line, they get defensive & oftentimes double down on being loud and wrong.

    You don’t get to disrespect people and feel a way when it’s brought to your attention. You just don’t.

    If you’re given a chance to make this right, set your foolishness aside and make it right. If you fail to do so, and you continue to stand in your foolishness, You don’t get to pitch a fit because someone enforced their boundaries and don’t want to deal with you.

    [tweetshare tweet=”It’s nobody’s responsibility to make you feel better about your choices.” username=”MsWalton”]


    When you make your bed, you have to lay in it. You can’t blame those who you violated. Your choices got you here. Get under the covers and get comfortable.

    Until next time,


  • The Recovering Pessimist: Public Service Announcement: Your Life, Your Choices -- People expect you to explain why you make the decisions you make. You don't owe these people anything. If they don't like it, they can kiss your ass. | www.therecoveringpessimist.me #amwriting #recoveringpessimist #optimisticpessimist
    Public Service Announcement,  The Complexities of Life

    Public Service Announcement: Your Life, Your Choices

    I got the idea for this blog post from a conversation I had with some family members some time ago. They ask the same questions all the time and I’m sure they mean well when they ask, but bruh, you don’t have to ask me:

    When are you getting married?

    When are you going to have some kids?

    Will and Grace/Giphy.com
    Will and Grace/Giphy.com

    For the record, I have no desire to get married and I never wanted children. Both of those decisions are perfectly fine. However, people legit act like you spit in their eyes with ghost pepper hot sauce.

    Seriously, why do YOU feel disrespected?

    I often wonder if people feel a way about your life choices because they have regrets. Maybe they wanted to make the moves you’re making but they fell victim to society’s expectations. Regardless of their reasons, you don’t owe them a “why” for the decisions you make. In all honesty, they can kiss your ass, but I digress.

    [tweetshare tweet=”Your Life. Your Choices. The End.” username=”2n$28p1ijG!jkr6qAqbM5JM&XPcH%QfD:1:0″]