• The Complexities of Life

    You Are What You Allow

    The Recovering Pessimist: You Are What You Allow -- You dictate how people treat you. Remaining silent won't make them change, however, using your voice will. Try it. | www.therecoveringpesismist.me #amwriting #recoveringpessimist #optimisticpessimistOn Season 12, Episode 14 of Grey’s Anatomy, Meredith gives a speech to Jo in response to Jo feeling that Meredith treats her unfairly. In the speech, Meredith delivered a line that had me clapping:

    “You are what you allow.”

    In all relationships, you decide what behavior you will (and won’t) allow in the relationship. If someone says and/or does something that rubs you the wrong way, it’s YOUR responsibility to speak up. Let them know that their words and/or actions are unacceptable.


    Don’t assume that they know better.

    Don’t assume that they won’t do it again. 

    [bctt tweet=”For many, silence equates acceptance. If you don’t speak up, folks will continue to disrespect you. ” username=”MsWalton”]

    I can’t say this enough. You cannot complain about how someone treats you when you haven’t opened your mouth to say something and/or still stick around. You can love and care about them all you want to, but I need you to care about yourself more.

    You deserve better than this.

    Until next time,



  • Love, Dating, & Relationships

    Dear #Love, My Elders Were Right

    The Recovering Pessimist: Dear #Love: My Elders Were Right. -- You're doomed to repeat the mistakes of your past if you don't learn your lesson. #amwriting #recoveringpessimist #optimisticpessimistDear #Love,

    My elders always say that you’re doomed to repeat the mistakes of your past if you don’t learn from them.

    I made friends with people who only befriended me for what I could do for them.

    I dated guys who wanted a body to lay with, not a partner to grow with.

    I didn’t correct my friends the moment I realized they were using me. Nor did I drop those guys when I realized they didn’t want what I wanted. Because I didn’t do anything to make things better, the cycle repeated itself until I finally got fed up.

    [bctt tweet=”You teach people how you want them to treat you.”]

    That’s one of the top 10 life lessons I’ve learned. I want to thank my elders for all that you’ve taught me.

    Until next time,
