• The Complexities of Life

    My Recovery Process

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    In an effort to avoid the awkwardness that arises from disappointing surprises, I would approach situations with a negative set of outcomes.

    It worked for years, but years of living with an empty glass mentality has slowly worn me down. I forgot what optimism felt like. Meeting new people had become exhausting. Instead of getting to know the person, I was too consumed with what they weren’t saying/doing.

    Change was necessary.

    I initially created this blog as a means for me to work through my pessimistic mindset. I wanted to share my random thoughts/ideas with others while being less of a pessimist.

    So far, so good.

    This blog has evolved over the past year.  I’ve written a 30 chapter short story , participated in multiple writing challenges, and met some really awesome people.

    I doubt I’ll ever adopt a unicorn mentality , but at least I’ll see the bright side. In the meantime, I’ll start putting water in that glass.