The Complexities of Life

Truth Skewed by Pride

The Recovering Pessimist: Truth Skewed by Pride -- Despite knowing that there are 3 versions of the truth, there are times when we'll see our truth as the only one that matters. Why? One word: pride. | #amwriting #recoveringpessimist #optimisticpessimistOne of the things I learned as a kid was that there are 3 versions of the truth:

Your truth.

Their truth.

The truth itself.

Somewhere within your truth and their truth is the truth itself. Sometimes, it’s easy to get to. Other times, you have to dig through the info to find it. The journey to get to truth itself is full of anxiety and/or optimism. You might find yourself hoping that their truth is wrong. You might find yourself hoping that your truth is right. Or, you may hope that both of you are wrong.

On rare occasions, the truth may never come to light. There are a few reasons why this could be, but the one that sticks out the most is pride (see here, here, and here for past posts about pride). When it comes to truth, you may know that your version of the truth isn’t correct. Instead of coming to terms with that, you instead stick with your version. I’ve been guilty of this on several occasions. Put your pride in check or it’ll have you out here looking dumb as hell.

[bctt tweet=”Be mindful of the role you play in the truth. How you see things isn’t always how it really is. ” username=”MsWalton”]

As I love to say…when you know better, you do better.

Take care.


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