Love, Dating, & Relationships,  The Complexities of Life

Terminating #Love

We were friends that spent years denying the underlying feelings between the two of us. Finally, after much consideration, we decided to go for it.

Embarking on this unfamiliar journey with him riddled me with anxiety. In theory,  things could go splendidly and we’d live happily ever after. On the other hand, reality reminds me that there’s a 50% chance that we could crash and burn. Not to mention that once the relationship ended, the friendship could very well end too.

Reality won.

Our relationship endured some really tough times. Over time, I began to see him more as my friend than my lover. I couldn’t suppress how I felt about him any longer. He needed to know.

We’re better as friends than lovers.

He fought so hard for the relationship. Promised that we could make this work. It was too late, my heart had already checked out. In the end, the relationship doesn’t matter if the friendship suffers.

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