• Love, Dating, & Relationships

    Relationship Accreditation

    How awesome would it be if relationships were accredited?

    Colleges and universities are accredited by multiple organizations. Multiple factors are involved in order for the institution to maintain its accreditation (e.g., reputation of faculty, quality of education, objectives and/or goals, etc).

    In relationships, individuals would be given an accreditation rating ranging from 1 (awful) to 5 (awesome) based on various factors (e.g., stability, past relationship behavior, drive, etc).

    To calculate the relationship accreditation, add up the individual ratings and take the average of the sum.  For example,  if a 4 entered a relationship with a 5, their sum would be a 9, which would make the relationship accreditation a 4.5.  What’s great about knowing someone’s individual accreditation is that you would know ahead of time that you could be dealing with potential awesomeness (or a nightmare).

    Talk about potential peace in the valley.