• The Complexities of Life

    A Pep Talk to Myself

    The Recovering Pessimist: A Pep Talk to Myself -- I have my down moments. Self-doubt creeps in and screws with my psyche. I wanted to share a pep talk I recently had with myself. | www.therecoveringpessimist.me #amwriting #recoveringpessimist #optimisticpessimistI have moments when I don’t feel good enough. The “what ifs” creep in, bringing the self-doubt that I worked so hard to keep at bay to the surface.

    Years ago, I would panic when this would happen. Now, I understand that it’s okay to have these moments. How I handled these moments when self-doubt attempted a takeover is what mattered. These days, I give myself a pep talk. Nothing fancy, just a conversation to myself from myself. Below is an example of a pep talk I wrote in my journal about a year ago. After you read it, let me know if you give yourself pep talks and what you tell yourself.

    After you read it, let me know if you give yourself pep talks and what you tell yourself. Without further adieu, here we go.

    Look, I get that you’re having a down moment now and that’s okay. Don’t beat yourself up over it. You’re surrounded by some pretty awesome people who care about you and want nothing but the best for you. Lean on them. Let them help you. 

    You have dreams and goals. That requires patience, which you don’t have much of. Remember, patience is necessary for your growth. Nothing in this life will happen on your time.

    It’s healthy to want love in your life. Don’t seek love. Live your life. Let love come to you.

    Appreciate what you see in the mirror, flaws included. Flaws make you the dope soul that you are. 

    Repeat this as much as you need to until the self-doubt goes away.




  • The Complexities of Life

    Pep Talk to Self #1

    The Recovering Pessimist: Pep Talk #1Recently, I got incredibly overwhelmed with a task that was time-sensitive. After several hours of anxiety and stress, I gave myself a pep talk. The following is a snippet of what I said to myself.

    This is due in 21 days. And it’s 15 pages long. Plus I need to provide documentation. That’s a lot of paper. I have to mail this?? Postage is going to be a sonofabitch. I can’t wait for this to be over. When am I going to get this shit done?? stares at pile of documentation I’m going to need black printer ink. I need a drink and by drink I mean whiskey. looks at clock It’s only 9 in the morning. Oh well, it’s 5 p.m. somewhere right? Ink is going to cost about $30 unless I can price match it. I would buy a printer with expensive ink. 


    Stop bitching. It has to be done. looks at calendar I have time to get this done. Don’t want to wait until the last minute. What can I knock out first? Perhaps I should write down all the things I need to do to get this done and only do one task a day. pats self on back Smart idea and I can maintain my sanity. You’re so smart.

    It’s amazing how clear my mind was after I had that pep talk with myself. Whatever it takes for you to get it done, DO IT! I don’t care how absolutely ridiculous it may look and/or feel.