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    Switching Up My Mental

    The Recovering Pessimist: Switching Up My Mental -- When goals that I've established don't work out as expected, I had to figure out what's the problem. When I realized that the steps I was using weren't the problem, I realized that I needed to switch up my mental approach. | www.therecoveringpessimist.me #amwriting #recoveringpessimist #optimisticpessimistThroughout this year, I’ve been working on several goals. I’ve accomplished some of my goals. However, I’m not making the progress that I want to make on other goals. It’s frustrating to say the least.

    So I had a moment with myself to figure out where things were going wrong. My mental approach to these goals was all wrong. And because it was all wrong, I couldn’t make the progress that I wanted to make.

    For example, I would tell myself the following:

    I want a new job.

    I want to travel to ____________.

    I want more money.

    I switched my mindset to the following:

    I’m getting a new job.

    I’m traveling to ____________.

    I’m getting more money.

    Turning those wants into manifestations just might get me closer to accomplishing all of my goals. It’s worth a try. Can’t keep doing the same things expecting different results. Besides, the worst that can happen is that I get the same results. But I won’t know that if I didn’t try something new to begin with.

    If you find yourself hitting a wall with something you’re trying to do, try changing your mindset. Sometimes, that’s all that’s needed to get things back in action.

    Be good to yourself,
