• The Complexities of Life

    Help Yourself Help Yourself

    The Recovering Pessimist: Help Yourself Help Yourself--Did you try to help yourself before you asked someone for help? | www.therecoveringpessimist.me #amwriting #recoveringpessimistI have no problem helping someone, provided they have made an effort to help themselves first. That is the key. However,  I understand that you can’t escape the inevitable. Situations may arise when you just can’t complete the task alone. In that moment, you have to reach out to get the task accomplished.

    On the flip side, there are folks who don’t even bother. They take a detour on the Highway of Initiative and just ask you to do it for them. No shame in their game whatsoever. To make it even worse, whatever they’re asking you to do for them, they could have done it themselves.

    [bctt tweet=”If people took the time to help themselves first,imagine the time and/or resources that could be redirected to those who really need help.”]

    Sadly, in a world of instant gratification, that’s asking for too much.


    Updated April 23, 2015