• The Recovering Pessimist: When the Past Reappears -- The past always has a way of reappearing when you're doing well. Now you have to fight the feeling of having that person back in your life, while remembering why that person is no longer in your life. | www.therecoveringpessimist.me #amwriting #recoveringpessimist #optimisticpessimist
    Love, Dating, & Relationships,  The Complexities of Life

    When the Past Reappears

    The past has a way of reappearing when you’re doing good for yourself.

    For example, when you’re over someone, you may exile them from your life. You block their number so they can’t call/text you and you unfriend them on social media. That exiled person is now a part of your past, and until further notice, the past is where they will stay.

    In the meantime, life moves on. You’re out here in the world, being awesome and whatnot. Then one random day, the past reappears.


    It could be a text/call from an unknown number, in-person, etc. Regardless of the way the past reappeared, it’s awkward as hell. You cared about that person. You both had some good memories.  You may feel a way about how things ended. Then there’s the desire…to reconnect with that person. sighs That desire makes a huge difference in how you decide to react.

    Despite these feelings, you remind myself that I’m done with that person for a reason. And while it might not be a bad thing to consider making them part of your life now, you don’t want to risk it.

    [bctt tweet=”The what-ifs aren’t worth the emotional rollercoaster.” username=”MsWalton”]

    Until next time,
