• The Complexities of Life

    Dating the Representative

    The Recovering Pessimist | Dating the Representative | www.therecoveringpessimist.me | #amwriting #recoveringpessimist #optimisticpessimist
    Photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash

    Dating involves the full spectrum of emotion. You’re meeting someone you don’t really know. You’re intrigued by what you see hear, but also fearful because there’s so much you haven’t seen or heard.

    I refer to this as “Dating the Representative”.

    There’s no guarantee that the person you’re dating is showing their genuine self. There’s nothing wrong with that. We have our guards up. You don’t know what anyone’s intentions are. So, you show the best parts of yourself, including their potential.

    Over time, you hope that the representative will eventually reveal their true selves. Be more vulnerable. Share their hopes, their fears. But, this doesn’t always happen. Some representatives are in it for the long game. They make it to marriage and then…then is when their true selves come out.

    Here’s the thing.

    Enjoy getting to know someone. Have deep conversations. Learn about each other. See things for what they are in the moment, but don’t ignore the signs. Ask questions.

    Until next time,


  • Love, Dating, & Relationships,  The Complexities of Life

    Relationships & The Fine Print

    The Recovering Pessimist: Relationships & the Fine Print -- Relationships come with fine print,which is crucial to a relationship's success. When you fail to abide by the fine print, the relationship ends. | www.therecoveringpessimist.me #amwriting #recoveringpessimist #optimisticpessimistWhen I enter into a relationship after being single for some time, It’s exciting. I can get caught up in the newness of it all, that I forget the components that comprise the fine print in relationships. I consider these components to be communication, sympathy, etc.:

    Relationship participants agree to keep lines of communication open. Participants also agree to be sympathetic to the needs of other participants. Failure to comply with these terms may result in termination of the relationship. Other terms and agreements may apply.

    Making the adjustment in your mindset from single to a relationship participant is crucial. I had to change my mindset to meet the needs of my partner. These components create a foundation that’s a requirement for relationship success.

    [bctt tweet=”Having a boo thang is cute, but if you want to keep that boo thang, do the work.” username=”MsWalton”]

    The moment you disregard the foundation of a relationship is when the relationship fails. And you end up back where you started…single. Keep that in mind.




  • The Complexities of Life

    Caution: We’re All Works in Progress

    Allow me to set the scene. The Recovering Pessimist:- Caution: We're All Works in ProgressYou’re out and about when s someone catches your eye. Nerves are brushed aside as the two of you have a brief conversation. Phone numbers (and possibly social media handles) are exchanged. Hours are spent texting, calling, emailing, and/or posting social media updates. You really, really like this person.

    In theory, this sounds great. Seriously, who doesn’t want to find that person that tickles your fancy? I honestly can’t think of anyone that doesn’t. However, like some theories, there’s a problem with the execution. In this case, said problem began weeks ago.

    The person that you’re attracted to is working towards accomplishing something (entrepreneur, college graduate, etc). But you don’t see them for the person they are now. Instead, you’re attracted to the person that they’re trying to become.

    I’ve seen this happen too many times. People will get with folks for the end goal, whatever that may be. They’ll stay around provided that the person of interest becomes the person their working towards. In the even that said person of interest doesn’t become that person, suddenly he/she isn’t as attractive as they once were.

    We’re all works in progress, every last one of us, including you. Solely seeing someone for their potential won’t end well, I promise you.


    Updated March 6, 2015

  • Love, Dating, & Relationships

    I’m Featured on “Oh Hey, Nina”


    There are things that I want to talk about that I don’t aren’t necessarily a good fit for this blog. So I decided that  Oh Hey, Nina would be the perfect place for my guest blog post entitled “Pardon Your Manners: First Impressions of Online Dating”. That’s right, I’m a guest blogger pats self on back. I’m pretty excited and would love it if you would take a few minutes to show Nina some love. She’s pretty awesome and her blog is dope as hell.

    Oh, and one more thing. If you don’t mind, let me know what you think about my guest blog post. I would really appreciate the feedback.



    Updated March 5, 2015

  • Public Service Announcement

    Public Service Announcement: The Basement Acquaintance

    For the last couple of days, I’ve had this clip from The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air stuck in my head:

    I have no idea why I’ve been singing that song, however, singing that song made something click. People have these moments all the time. You meet someone that looks and/or acts one way. You invest feelings and time with this person and see a possible relationship/friendship developing.

    Cue the okey doke.

    What you initially thought about that person starts to blur. Perhaps the physical thing(s) that drew you in was only temporary.  That car may have been a rental or that big booty was a pair of butt pads. Or the behaviors that you thought were so redeeming were indeed a lie. Weekly volunteer work at the homeless shelter was not voluntary. In fact, it was part of their probation.

    When the truth is revealed about the basement acquaintance, I’m sure you’ll be pissed. However, you can always watch the clip above and laugh the anger away.

    “I’m stuck in a basement, sitting on a tricycle…”




  • The Complexities of Life

    All I Can Be Is Me

    Image via Pinterest.

    When I was a teenager, I wanted to be part of the popular crowd. I wanted to walk down the hallways and everyone knew my name.

    Attempts to align myself with them were futile. They rejected me every time. Looking back, I’m grateful for that rejection because I realize why they were so popular.

    Tarnished reputation avoided.

    Online dating had its fair share of rejection. So many of my “I’m interested” messages were either ignored or responded with “No thanks.” Talk about a blow to the self-esteem.

    Experiencing rejection helped me realize that I’m good enough. That’s the boost my self-confidence needed.


  • Love, Dating, & Relationships

    Relationship Accreditation

    How awesome would it be if relationships were accredited?

    Colleges and universities are accredited by multiple organizations. Multiple factors are involved in order for the institution to maintain its accreditation (e.g., reputation of faculty, quality of education, objectives and/or goals, etc).

    In relationships, individuals would be given an accreditation rating ranging from 1 (awful) to 5 (awesome) based on various factors (e.g., stability, past relationship behavior, drive, etc).

    To calculate the relationship accreditation, add up the individual ratings and take the average of the sum.  For example,  if a 4 entered a relationship with a 5, their sum would be a 9, which would make the relationship accreditation a 4.5.  What’s great about knowing someone’s individual accreditation is that you would know ahead of time that you could be dealing with potential awesomeness (or a nightmare).

    Talk about potential peace in the valley.

  • Public Service Announcement

    Public Service Announcement: Pic Beggars

    Image via www.huffpost.com

    Pic Beggar (n): An individual who aggressively asks another individual for pictures. Most often seen on online dating websites.

    There were several instances when a guy would send me a message asking me to send him a photo of myself via text message. Keep in mind that we’ve only known each other for 15 minutes. That’s not even long enough for me to warrant giving out my Google Voice number. 

    I would respond back, telling him that I have x amount of recent photos on my profile and will not be texting him anything. Of course, that doesn’t go over well. He gets upset and proceeds to beg.

    Begging is not attractive as it is. Begging for a damn photo is annoyingly desperate and every bit of creepy. Besides, most of the time, these guys would either have one photo of themselves or several outdated photos of themselves. Stop begging and take some recent photos of yourself. I don’t take anyone seriously with photos from the late 90s early 2000s on their profiles.

    Never entertain pic beggars! If they’re annoying you now, just imagine how annoying they will be if you date them.

    This concludes your Public Service Announcement.

  • Love, Dating, & Relationships,  Public Service Announcement

    Public Service Announcement: The Red Lobster Date

    Red Lobster Detour
    Red Lobster Detour (Photo credit: voteprime)

    The restaurant you choose to take a date says a lot. Yes, I do realize that it comes off as vain, but that’s how it is. Take Red Lobster for example. I don’t (and probably will never) understand what’s so charming about this place.  I’ve had better seafood at a backyard cookout.

    I remember planning a first date with a guy I was interested in. He asked me where I wanted to go. I didn’t have a particular place in mind, so I named a few places that I didn’t want to go. As soon as I mentioned Red Lobster, ol’ boy got in his feelings.  You would have thought I  told him his mother’s cooking was nasty.

    I explained to him that I consider Red Lobster to be the McNightmare of seafood. What would have been spent on mediocre food could be put to better use elsewhere. There are much better options that are well worth the price. He didn’t want to hear it. That was the last time I spoke to him. Guess I struck a nerve. Oh well.

    Instead of getting all emo because somebody doesn’t like your fave, why not try something new? Do us all a favor and get some culture in your life.  Endless shrimp are not the blueprint for fine dining.