• Public Service Announcement,  The Complexities of Life

    Public Service Announcement: Be Specific

    The Recovering Pessimist: Public Service Announcement: Be Specific --If you ask for something, be specific. Otherwise, you'll get exactly what you ask for. Depending on what that is, it won't always work out in your favor. Trust me. | www.therecoveringpessimist.me #amwriting #recoveringpessimist #optimisticpessimistYou aren’t going to go through life with everything that you need. At some point, you’re going to have to ask for something. That’s normal. However, when you ask for something, regardless of what it is, be specific.

    Did ya’ll catch that up there in the nosebleed section? No? Don’t worry, I’ll repeat it.

    When you ask for something, regardless of what it is, be specific. 

    I cannot stress this enough. If you want a new job with more money, ask for a job with more money. If you just ask for a new job, that’s what you’ll get…a new job with the same money you make now.

    For example, if you want a new job with more money, ask for a job with more money. If you just ask for a new job, that’s what you’ll get…a new job with the same money you make now. Or, if you ask for a boyfriend/girlfriend, don’t be shocked with you end up with an asshole. You didn’t ask for a boyfriend/girlfriend that treated you like royalty.

    Or, if you ask for a boyfriend/girlfriend, don’t be shocked with you end up with an asshole. You didn’t ask for a boyfriend/girlfriend that treated you like royalty.

    [bctt tweet=”You get exactly what you ask for (or don’t ask for) in life. Be wise with how you word your request. ” username=”MsWalton”]

    Until next time,
