The Complexities of Life

Lay It To Rest

The Recovering Pessimist: Lay It To Rest -- Please don't stress yourself trying to work out things that can't be worked out. Or seeking closure in people/situations where closure won't be found. Let all of those unresolved things go for the sake of your well-being. | #amwriting #optimisticpessimist #recoveringpessimistSome things just aren’t worth it. You can try to work out whatever it is, but it never works out. You seek closure so you can move on, but closure never comes. So forth and so on.

Been there, done that, done that again, and finally made it to the other side.

I hope this saves you some time and stress: Stop trying. Figure out how to move on without whatever it is that didn’t work out. Find the closure you need within and carry on.

[tweetshare tweet=”Whatever it is that is keeping you from prospering, lay it to rest.” username=”2n$28p1ijG!jkr6qAqbM5JM&XPcH%QfD:1:0″]

It’s hard to do, however, you’ll be glad you did it.

Until next time,




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